That's an excellent point. While I believe everyone should be free to wear/not wear whatever they want, I'm not a fan of make-up myself, particularly things like foundation or concealer. Nevertheless, I am in a minority, I'm aware.
I'm not sure where the history of make-up begins, though I'm sure it's an old one. And you're right, it's as natural/expected now for a woman to wear some sort of veil as it is shameful to go naked. So it's probably going to be a difficult marker to kick.
There is, however, a difference in the sense that one lies far more with the individual's mindset than that of society. I used to believe, like many women, that wearing make-up is expected. felt very fragile and vulnerable (and ugly) without. I'm not sure how that all changed, but now, I don't even think about not wearing it. So the change, wherever it was, happened on my personal mind level, whereas if I were to go nude tomorrow on the street, it would very much create a reaction in my peers, so the change there depends on the collective a little more.
I'm not sure how we change that. Maybe one woman at a time ditching toxic make-up products and being beautiful and amazing without, as they naturally would be :D I hope so at least. Thank you for the food for thought!!