If I see you, I’ll change my mind

And want to live

Catrina Prager


Performers Vlad Benescu and Alexandra Mihaela Dancs in “Tura de Noapte” (“The Night Shift”). Photo is my own.

I am a dreamer more than is good for me.

I’m among the people who think absurdly against the cruel cold-cut logic of society that the things we’re meant to find are, in turn, making their way to us. Even now, as you’re reading this. The world you’re supposed to inhabit is moving closer to you. That doesn’t mean it won’t take effort on your part to allow it.

Stepping into the world you dream of, deserve and desire takes great courage.

Sometimes, I do things on impulse. After a hectic ten days, I wanted a stay-in. But then an invitation moved across my retina. A performative dance/theater show starting in about 90 minutes. And I knew. I thought, at once, let’s go. Little while later, there I was, a thigh pressed against mine inside the ground floor of an old, decrepit townhouse. Lights dimmed. Show start.

I fell in love with the performance right away and even before, when I saw one of the performers peeking out at the audience from their dressing room. His eyes lit like giddy fire, moving straight into us.

It takes great courage to look. More so to see.

Two people on the edge (literally) who meet and fall in love on the night they’re supposed to jump. Build a future together, jump into it, then jump back.



Catrina Prager

Author of 'Hearthender'. Freelancer of the Internet. Traveler of the World. I ramble.