> I mean, if a man tells me on the first date that he has a high-paying job as a way to try to win me over, implicitly he is saying that he thinks that is what I would value the most about him.
Funnily enough, this happened to me recently. Though I think it's more a matter of the man in question defining himself through his earnings as a response to a personal lack than anything to do with me.
I agree. I found it interesting how multiple men I've gone out with or been in relationships with all came up with this argument - that girls are allowed to want so much, and they are assholes if they want anything. I found that interesting, hence (partly) the article.
And they were mostly okay people. With flaws, but then, that's pretty much everyone.
Yes, you're right, writing does make things sound way more aggressive. But I didn't take your messages as such. As I said, I appreciated that they were respectful and engaging (primarily) . I enjoyed the exchange :)