Hey. Hi. I see you. Through a screen, but I see you. I resonate so painfully much with everything you wrote here. At times, I felt like you were describing parts of my day. To a T.
Given my own age of 25, I'd argue it's not only women "past a certain age" :) Maybe it's single women. Maybe it's women who are okay on their own or at least desperately struggle to project that. (Speaking of myself.)
There's this weird thing I've noticed. I used to have low self-esteem too. Therapy helped some, but i did notice this at the time. When I felt I was small and didn't amount to much, people didn't notice me. But then, every so often, there'd come a day when I felt quite happy or pretty or something. Something to take notice of. You know? And people did. Like a light had gone on. So maybe we make ourselves invisible in a way? Totally speculating here, by the way. Just from one lost person to another. :)
You are seen. And you're a very skilled writer. I'm really glad you decided to share this. I related, again, a great deal and it means so much to see someone else going through something similar, you know? Can't be easy to write about at all.
A hug from me to you, non-invisible woman! <3